CNBC - What's in a name? Yahoo's Altaba expected to help the brand break free from recent troubles (11 January 2017)
USA Today - Yahoo results show pressure facing board, comments also used by media agency AFP and reproduced in more than 40 global media outlets such as: abc10, NDTV, Daily Mail, Malaysian Digest, 9News (20 April 2016)
The Conversation - Livening things up – can Twitter stay afloat through new innovations? also in: Memeburn, TechCentral, EconomyWatch, EconoTimes (11 February 2016)
Digital Trends - Twitter: User base still flat, but ad revenue up 48 percent year-over-year, comments also featured in: The Globe and Mail, Yahoo! India, The Hindu, Business Standard, The Statesman, IANS, Business Today , India.com, Moneylife, Newsx Business Standard, Big News Network.com, Infotech Lead, The C Suite, Daijiworld.com, Laurel Leader Call, CMSWire, Huewire News, Cinema Blaze, NanoNews, Jewocity.com, MyTechBits, The Hans Indias, New Kerala, The Saisat Daily, Odisha News Insight (10 February 2016)
BusinessBecause - Elite MBA Students Are Spurning McKinsey, Bain For Freelance Consulting Sites (10 February 2016)
Fortune - Can Jack Dorsey turn Twitter around like Steve Jobs did with Apple? (3 November 2015)
The Conversation - Can comeback CEO Jack Dorsey turn Twitter around? also in: TechCentral, Scroll.In (2 November 2015)
Digital Trends - Honeymoon over for Dorsey as Twitter results disappoint again also in: The C Suite (28 October 2015)
Sky News - Twitter boss gifts shares worth £130m to staff also in: The Scotsman (23 October 2015)
The Conversation - Twitter gets stung by an errant tweet but investors shouldn’t write the company off also in: Scroll.In (1 May 2015)
CNET - Twitter earnings leaked via tweets, sales disappoint also featured in: ITespresso.it and PianetaCellulare.it (28 April 2015)
Canadian Business - Companies just love creating new “Chief [Something] Officer” titles (28 April 2015)
Business Life - British Airways - Who needs profits? Social media’s revenue waiting game (14 April 2015)
The Telegraph- Angry Birds profit falls 73pc as merchandise slows - also featured in: Business Insider, Real Business, The Rakyat Post, Channel News Asia, Phys.org, Les News Eco, Le Soir, Muchblue, KitiGuru, WebSoul, BFM TV, Jakarta Globe, Latest News Headlines (19 March 2015)
CIO - Do you need another CEO? (9 March 2015)
HC Online - Should you employ a Chief External Officer? (9 March 2015)
BusinessBecause - Strong salaries drive MBA graduates from Banks to private equity (4 March 2015)
BusinessBecause - Private equity, hedge funds lure MBAs away from chastened banks (2 March 2015)
Financial Times - How to pay for an MBA (25 January 2015)
BusinessBecause - MBAs Predict The Future: Sharing Economy Drives Freelance Consulting (18 December 2014)
Academy of Management - Strategizing Activities and Practices (SAP) Awards (25 November 2014)
The Daily Telegraph (Saturday) - How to get into the top schools, MBAs Special Report, p.17 (22 November 2014)
The Daily Telegraph (Saturday) - Plan ahead to hit the ground running, MBAs Special Report, Y11 (25 October 2014)
City A.M. - Why an MBA can help change your career (22 October 2014)
BusinessBecause - MBAs turn to parents and crowdfunding to foot B-School bills (27 September 2014)
WBS - WBS sweeps up four research prizes at global awards (13 August 2014)
CNET - Panasonic back in profit after ditching plasmas and phones (28 April 2014)
Quartz - Are WhatsApp’s 55 employees millionaires now? Not so fast also featured in: SBS (20 February 2014)
France 24 - WhatsApp: How Zuckerberg prepares post-Facebook - in French (20 February 2014)
The Social Media Monthly - Twitter's results do not mean its business model is broken also featured in: Business Matters, The Economic Voice, Yahoo News, Times Live, Enterprise Magazine, MyCustomer, FStech (10 February 2014)
London Evening Standard - Comment on Twitter results, also featured in: This Is Money, Daily Mail, Marketing Magazine, MSN News,The Courier, The Oxford Times, Belfast Telegraph, Intelligent HQ, Brand Republic, The Economic Times, City Wire, Silicon News, Minute Hack (6/7 February 2014)
Fresh Business Thinking - Comment on Yahoo results (29 January 2014)
Practicing Strategy: Text and Cases shortlisted in the top 5 textbooks and top 25 management books for the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Management Book of the Year Award out of 142 entries (31 October 2013)
McKinsey Quarterly LinkeIn Group Discussion: What do you think we can learn from IPOs of tech firms? (14 October 2013)
The Conversation - Facebook paves the way for investor confidence in Twitter also at SBS Australia (8 October 2013)
Practicing Strategy: Text and Cases nominated for the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Management Book of the Year Award (September 2013) - also featured in WBS news and Recruitment International
The Chartered Institute of Marketing, the Levitt Group - Revisit your Strategy Toolkit (September 2013) - Listen to the Podcast
IT Europa - HP still to turn enterprise round also at Comms Dealer (23 August 2013)
KRX - Stock and investment magazine, South Korea - Special interview feature, pages 32-35 (July 2013 Issue)
Capital - Weekly economic and political newspaper, Bulgaria - Interview, page 26 (29 June 2013)
The Conversation - Battle over broadcaster a sign of deeper Greek political woes (25 June 2013)
ABC News Australia - Greek government loses coalition member - Saturday AM show - aired on: ABC RadioNational & 702 ABC Sydney (media courtesy of ABC - 22 June 2013) Audio below
Greece needs a growth plan not political meltdown - Warwick University Experts Comment and WBS News (21 June 2013)
The Conversation - Europe's latest investment opportunity ... Greece? (07 June 2013)
France24 English - Live TV comments about the latest IMF Report on Greece (media courtesy of France24, 06 June 2013) Video below
The Conversation - Europe's latest investment opportunity ... Greece? (07 June 2013)
France24 English - Live TV comments about the latest IMF Report on Greece (media courtesy of France24, 06 June 2013) Video below
I am a Professor of Strategic Management and Head of the Strategy and International Business (SIB) Group at the Warwick Business School (WBS) in the United Kingdom.
My teaching spans the Masters, MBA and Executive levels. I have received a number of annual WBS Outstanding Teacher Awards and have been involved in Executive training for a number of organizations including IBM, E.On, UBS, CapGemini and Transport for London.
Previously I worked as Junior Associate at McKinsey & Company (London), Financial Analyst at Procter & Gamble (Athens) and Credit Analyst at Eurobank EFG Bank (Athens).
I currently work on a number of exciting research projects at the intersections of strategy practice and process: discourse (with Loizos Heracleous), tools and cognition (with Robert Wright and Daniela Blettner), rhetoric and paradox (with Rebecca Bednarek and John Sillince), strategy directors (with Duncan Angwin and Markus Menz), visual interactions, workshops and strategy maps (with Alberto Franco and Thanos Papadopoulos), CEO language (with Max McKeown and Simon Collinson) and political capabilities/chief external officers (with Thomas Lawton, Jonathan Doh and Tazeeb Rajwani).
I hold a doctorate in Strategy and Organization from the School of Management, University of Bath, a Masters degree (with Distinction) in Management Science and Operational Research from the Warwick Business School and a Bachelor (Hons) in Management from the Athens University of Economics and Business. For my doctoral research I was awarded the McKinsey & Company scholarship under the supervision of Professor Andrew Pettigrew and for my postgraduate study at Warwick Business School the Bodossaki Foundation scholarship.
Contributing to my research community is important, so I serve as Chair-elect for the Strategizing, Activities and Practice (SAP) Interest Group at the Academy of Management. Previously, I served as chair of the judging committee for the Best Paper for Practice Implications award, co-chair of the Executive Discoveries Series (EDS), as officer and chairperson for the Strategy Practice Interest Group at the Strategic Management Society (SMS).
My broader research interests lie in the study of the intersections of strategy processes and practices in challenging and complex organizational settings in the UK and globally. My research has been recognized with the 2016 Emerald Citations of Excellence award, the 2013 Journal of Management Studies Best Paper Award, the 2014 SAP IG Best Paper award at the Academy of Management, the 2008 SMS Best Conference Paper Prize for Practice Implications & the 2010 SMS Honorable Mention of the Best Conference Paper Prize (Finland Special Conference) at the Strategic Management Society. I have also received the Academy of Management Outstanding Reviewer Awards for the SAP interest group in 2016 and the BPS division in 2008, and regularly review for a number of journals including: Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management, Organization Studies, Human Relations, British Journal of Management, California Management Review, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Long Range Planning and Scandinavian Journal of Management. I serve as Associate Editor for Long Range Planning, and sit in the editorial boards of the Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Organizational Research Methods.
I am a member of the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the European Group for Organizational Studies, the European Academy of Management, the British Academy of Management and the British Operational Research Society. I also serve as an advisory panel member (Strategy) at the Chartered Association of Business School (CABS) Academic Journal Quality Guide.
My teaching spans the Masters, MBA and Executive levels. I have received a number of annual WBS Outstanding Teacher Awards and have been involved in Executive training for a number of organizations including IBM, E.On, UBS, CapGemini and Transport for London.
Previously I worked as Junior Associate at McKinsey & Company (London), Financial Analyst at Procter & Gamble (Athens) and Credit Analyst at Eurobank EFG Bank (Athens).
I currently work on a number of exciting research projects at the intersections of strategy practice and process: discourse (with Loizos Heracleous), tools and cognition (with Robert Wright and Daniela Blettner), rhetoric and paradox (with Rebecca Bednarek and John Sillince), strategy directors (with Duncan Angwin and Markus Menz), visual interactions, workshops and strategy maps (with Alberto Franco and Thanos Papadopoulos), CEO language (with Max McKeown and Simon Collinson) and political capabilities/chief external officers (with Thomas Lawton, Jonathan Doh and Tazeeb Rajwani).
I hold a doctorate in Strategy and Organization from the School of Management, University of Bath, a Masters degree (with Distinction) in Management Science and Operational Research from the Warwick Business School and a Bachelor (Hons) in Management from the Athens University of Economics and Business. For my doctoral research I was awarded the McKinsey & Company scholarship under the supervision of Professor Andrew Pettigrew and for my postgraduate study at Warwick Business School the Bodossaki Foundation scholarship.
Contributing to my research community is important, so I serve as Chair-elect for the Strategizing, Activities and Practice (SAP) Interest Group at the Academy of Management. Previously, I served as chair of the judging committee for the Best Paper for Practice Implications award, co-chair of the Executive Discoveries Series (EDS), as officer and chairperson for the Strategy Practice Interest Group at the Strategic Management Society (SMS).
My broader research interests lie in the study of the intersections of strategy processes and practices in challenging and complex organizational settings in the UK and globally. My research has been recognized with the 2016 Emerald Citations of Excellence award, the 2013 Journal of Management Studies Best Paper Award, the 2014 SAP IG Best Paper award at the Academy of Management, the 2008 SMS Best Conference Paper Prize for Practice Implications & the 2010 SMS Honorable Mention of the Best Conference Paper Prize (Finland Special Conference) at the Strategic Management Society. I have also received the Academy of Management Outstanding Reviewer Awards for the SAP interest group in 2016 and the BPS division in 2008, and regularly review for a number of journals including: Academy of Management Journal, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management Studies, Journal of Management, Organization Studies, Human Relations, British Journal of Management, California Management Review, Academy of Management Learning and Education, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, Long Range Planning and Scandinavian Journal of Management. I serve as Associate Editor for Long Range Planning, and sit in the editorial boards of the Journal of Management, Journal of Management Studies, and Organizational Research Methods.
I am a member of the Academy of Management, the Strategic Management Society, the European Group for Organizational Studies, the European Academy of Management, the British Academy of Management and the British Operational Research Society. I also serve as an advisory panel member (Strategy) at the Chartered Association of Business School (CABS) Academic Journal Quality Guide.
Copyright: Sotirios Paroutis, 2017 :: Photographs provided by: Fotograph